Adult Education

Range Tours and Workshops
Foster County SCD works with organizations such as local Extension and NRCS offices and other SCDs to hold periodic workshops. These workshops provide information and promote practices that improve soil, water, and other natural resources.

Soil Health Workshops and Shop Talks
The District cooperates with other agencies, including Carrington Research Extension Center, to provide soil health workshops and presentations. The SCD also collaborates on local Shop Talks that promote exchange of information between local producers on successful conservation practices.

Backyard Conservation Workshops and Demonstrations
The District works with organizations such as Extension, NRCS, and the North Dakota Forest Service to hold periodic conservation workshops and demonstrations for the general public. These have included workshops and presentations on subjects such as rain barrels, square foot gardens, composting, and pollinators.

Stewardship Week
National Stewardship Week was begun in 1955 to promote conservation of soil, water, and natural resources. It takes place each year from the last Sunday in April to the first Sunday in May. The SCD provides educational materials to schools, and when possible also provides materials to places of worship as requested.
The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased, and not impaired, in value. -- Theodore Roosevelt